Centre d'assistance
Des articles:
Communiqué de presse
Teledyne FLIR Expands Lepton Thermal Camera Series with an Ultrawide 160-degree Field of View
Lisez l’histoireDocuments:
Fiche technique
- Fiche technique de la Lepton Camera Breakout Board v2.0
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- Lepton Camera Breakout Board v2.0 Datasheet
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- Lepton Breakout Board - Declaration of Compliance Rev 120
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- Lepton California Proposition 65 Declaration Rev 120
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- Lepton RoHS Certificate of Compliance Rev 210
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- Lepton Thermal Core - Declaration of Compliance Rev 230
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Spécifications du produit
- Lepton Breakout Board End Of Life
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Note technique
- Lepton 3.1R Dewarping App Note R100
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